30/11/2019 - Fuel pump installation started - 5H

Before starting the fuel pump work, I primed the control column connection rod. Since this is invisible, did it with a brush instead of getting the paint gun out for one small piece. Turned out well.

Then reamed the connection holes in the control column weldings for AN3 bolts.

 Same for the stick of the pilot and after that used the primer to also dip the inside with primer.

Ok, time to get to some serious work. Got the auxiliary fuel pump from Andair out of the box and studied the installation instructions.

First you need to measure the exact location of the pump on the F-782C center cabin cover.

I won't have a fuel filter screwed on the input side of the fuel pump since I'm using gascolators. Gascolators also have build in fuel filters.
I think this is kid of safer that way. I the fuel filter clogs, you can still attempt to switch tanks and use the other tank which has it's own filter in the gascolator.
If you only have the one filter in front of the pump and it clogs... you are done and better find yourself a field for an emergency landing.

The andair instruction has you make some stiffener angles that go underneath the cover. The material used is the same as the longeron angles and fortunatly I had some stock length left for both pieces.
Cut the angle to length and draw a centerlin on the top flange. Now you can clamp it and match drill them.

Here's a picture before drilling the last hole. I had to invert the angle on the holes closest to the F704. If you follow the directions in the manual from Andair, the legs attaching to this angle will interfere with the nutplates holding the F-782C cover to the floor stiffener angles. I just inverted the direction, no big deal, same strength.

Here's a look from the bottom.

Don't forget to round the top flange of the angles so that it nests nicely in the curve of the F-782C cover

Drilled nicely in the middle

I continued making the small attach angles that connect to these two support but didn't get finished with them. Will be continued in the next work session.

I also noticed I will need to order new stuff at spruce soon since these are connected with some screws and miniature nutplates that don't come with the engine package.


Articles in Fuselage kit

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