15/07/2017 - clips, forward canopydeck and other various small tasks - 6h

I deburred and edge prepped the F-721A canopy decks and did some test fitting. The canopy deck needs to be nice and flush with the forward side of the F-721B canopy deck. It requires some passes with the scotchbrite wheel to get a nice fit. Also already bent the tab on the F-721B. This tab goes behing the F-721A. Clamped the A in place and drawn a line on the B with a pen. Then used the flat pliers to make the small bend on the tab.

 Actually it's still too early to install and drill these. This comes only later in the manual when worling on the forward fuselage top but having this already done will save me time later.

Then cleaned and edge prepped the elevator bellcrank parts.

Clecoed them toghether and used the #30 reamer to enlarge the holes. Easy

Drilled out the two tilted rivets I got in a previous session on the F-728A bellcranck channel joining the F-706 bulkhead and squeezed a new on on the top hole using the no hole longeron on the squeezer.
For the bottom three, I did not want to take any more risks of more tilting over and used the CS4-4 pop rivets which are alllowed here according to the manual (detail B on DWG 26). With the pneumatic pop rivetter this is a guaranteed good rivet all the time.

 Front side all nice and flush. Don't rivet the other holes yet where the cleco's sit. The reinforcement channel for the top will go in there.

Next did some very small job. I saw on the plans illustrating the static line locations that the T part just above the pilot side static part (where left and right join to move forward) is held by a small angle bracket. I use the static line plug and play kit with the easy click on click off connectors adn fabricated a bracket in anticipation of static line installation.

Then started the preparation for making the static line clips. I ready on multiple sites that it's much easier if you make the clips initialy longer and then grind them down to make them equal length. So cut strips which are longer than you need. The ones in the picture are one strip for 2 clips.

 Here's the length of one clip (added an inch). Made an initial bend where the top of the P will be.

 Then used a piece of tube of 1/4" diameter to bend the rest around.

 I stopped it here because I noticed I need some round teeth pliers to be able to manipulate the final bend on the clips. It's actually not as easy as I thought. But hey... isn't every task like that :)

Finally, as I had some time left de-vyniled the aft top skin in and outside and test-installed it on the fuselage. Looks really sexy with the aft deck on.

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