Center fuselage rivetting - 10/05/2014

Time for some fun work again... rivetting time.

I clecoed the seatbelt harnass parts between the seat ribs and when doing so noticed that I forgot to drill 4 holes just below the top of the ribs.

Took out the 12" drill and drilled those out to #30 for AN470AD4 rivets.

Once deburred, I clecoed it back together and started squeezing the rivets. I did not use the LP4-3 pop rivets but replaced them with AN470AD4-4 rivets. The pop rivets are called for to ease installation if you have to install the harness ribs after the center fuselage is already completed. In my case, I could rivet them now before the ribs are installed on the skin so access is still easy and solid rivets are always structurally stronger than pop rivets.

Here you see the squeezed rivets. On the left side you may notice I had to install a doubler. This is because I had one bad oval hole on the harness rib and didn't want to install it as such. So I made a doubler out of 32 sheet and matchdrilled it.

Next task is to install all seat ribs on the F704 aft bulkhead. We started by installing the seat ribs where the harness is between and then added the others.

You can move the ribs slightly as you rivet so it's an easy job with a rivet gun. I had to use some masking tape to cover for drill shavings. (I had to use my reamer a couple of times to be able to insert the rivet. I think it's partly because of the added thickness from the primer)

In the next shot, my buddy and builder of an RV-9 Hugo is inspecting our work.

All finished.

This is how it looks like from the back side. The upper and lower hole are fastened through the 704 bulkhead and the center section 5/8 bar using AN3-10A bolts.

To install these bolts, again I had to ream them with a 3/16 reamer and took of some metal. More then I wanted but it looks like the pre-drilled holes do not align well with the pre-drilled holes for the rivets. Hugo told me he had to do the same on his RV-9 when he installed his center section.

We installed all bolts (nuts facing inside the F704) and torqued them to 25 inch pound.

Then installed the F705 bulkhead using the 4 spacers between seat ribs and bulkhead.

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