06/10/2018 - tunnel cover continued - 7h

A trip to China for work, some other obligations at home and woops... suddenly it's October.

Continued working on the tunner cover. I had cut the top plate from some stock sheet and had drilled the brackets to the seat ribs and covers.

Now it's time to bring it all together. It looks at first that the sheet cover is too small but by putting some clamps on the sides. You can make everything align so that you can drill the top holes from cover to bracket.

The top plate was a bit to long as per the mearurements of the plan. It all depends on how well the bent side filts on the seat covers. I made it match nicely, then driled the center #19 hole to attach the cover to the seat cover.

Then put a cleco in and drawn a line at the end of the bracket so that I could accurately measure the correct length. Grinded away the excess material.
I then put the line along which the cover attach rivets will come and made pilot holes in the cover. Reinstalled the cover and verified alignment with the brackets as in the image below.

All holes drilled #40

Then updrilled to #30

Countersunk the brackets and dimpled the cover plate.  All done.

 then drilled the nutplate ears next to the tunnel cover attach screw in the seat floor, debuured and dimpled

Also ran the #40 reamer through the nutplate attach ears in the seat cover, deburred and dimpled those.

Finally, same thing on the sides of the middle sides of the seating cover and also deburred and dimpled the ribs.

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