F705 rivetting session 1 - 5/5/2013

I'm so glad it's rivetting time again. It's been too long since I had my squeezer in my hands to do some final construction work.

Now that priming is ready, I can start to put some things permanently together.
I tried to start with the firewall, but soon ran into some issues with rivet lengths due to the coating thickness of the primer. I decided to set it on the side and start with something easier: the rivetting of the F705 bulkhead.
I started sanding all parts lightly because the priming was leaving a bit of a rough surface. After lightly sanding with 600 grit sandpaper, the surface was much smoother and rivet lengths as called for by the plans where much closer in range.

First I reassembled the top F705-F channel with the seatback rest parts.
I found that I had to adjust F705-K slightly as the bend was insufficient now that the primer was on. I pulled out my small bending brake and give it a little push until the end of F705K rested nicely agains the end of the 705F channel

Here is how it looks like and how it should be.

Then used the pneumatic squeezer to put in the AD3 rivets. Piece of cake. 
I did this on Fred quickbuild earlier while the 705 was already installed and it sure was a lot harder to do.

Nice shop heads. My rivetting is not rusty at all :)

Next, you cleco the F-705J angle and the back flange of the F-705F channel

The pneumatic squeezer takes quik care of that as well. 

Another shot of the AN470 heads on the back.

Then, repeated the same for the other side.

As I still had some time left, I also squeezed the 4 nutplates on the F-705D bulkhead side channels.


More to come in the next session.

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