08/12/2018 - Starting F-7114 gussets - 3H

The plans and manuals are not really clear when to install the F-7114 gussets. I don't recall having seen one reference of these in the manual.
Since I need to install the F-782D angles now that support the F-782A cover plates, I think this is the time to do this.
The manual says these F-782A angles should butt against the F-7114 top flange so they need to be installed to be able to check that.
To be honest, I would try to get these suckers in much earlier if I would have to redo it. I think the best moment would be when you fit and dril the F-7101 web gear attach doublers.
Also the F-782D angles would be better to place them at that time since you can still remove the side sking then and the pop rivets that attach F-782D to F-7101 are impossible to set once the side skin is on.
Vans calls for LP4-3 pop rivets there but they are simply not possible because the space between the web geat attach and the side skin is just too small. I ended up installing MSP42 there (after calling support) and that worked fine.

But we are deviating from the subject of today.
First I had to deburr and clean up the F-7114 gussets. They are treated roughly by the CNC machines at Vans and come marred with a lot of markings.
This is how it looked after removing the blue vinyl.

The markings are pretty deep. Fortunatly you can scuff it out well on all sides using the die grinder and some rollo lock pads.

 When both gussets were cleaned and treated with sandpaper, I tried to fit them in place. The passenger side looked pretty ok but on the pilot side, the holes really don't align.

I tried several times and nothing seemed to work.
Ended up surfing the forums for solutions and found some entries that some guys have tried to close the bend angle on the outer flange.
Tried it in different methods to reshape the part but nothing worked unless bending the flange in. The part is so beefy that it's just not possible to thighten the bend.

This is not going to work... I'll have to talk to Vans support again to see what I can do here.

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