06/12/2018 - Andair fuel tank selector - 2h

Some small tasks in the forward cabin. The F-983C fuel valve cover is the place where the Andair fuel valve sits on the F-983A fuel valve plate.

The fuel lines coming from the left and right wing join here into the fuel selector valve. The pilot can select the tank the fuel is drawn from or switch off the fuel supply (in case of emergency off course).

I will use the Andair fuel pump. This fuel pump sits just in front of this fuel valve cover on the F-782C center cabin cover. Andair has some plans for the RV-7 where to cut the hole in the F-782C. I also ordered the dog house that covers this pump. Most people have issues making the sharp bend in the fuel line behind the fuel pump and filter coming from the fuel selector switch. Since I will be installing gascolators from Andair which already have an integrated fuel filter, I will not need this construct. Nevertheless, you need to make some room to allow the fuel line to pass through the fuel valve cover. I made the measurements as per the Andair plans and cut out the lower part. Used a pilot hole and unibit to cut the corner radiuses, rest is traditional cutting, filing, edge deburring and sanding.

I have cut off the tab of the fuel valve plate. This tab is used when you have a manual trim system. Sinve Vans delivers the ray allen trim motors these days with the kit, it's a no brainer.

Then took the cover plate of the Andair fuel selector and centered it on the fuel valve plate.

All deburred, dimpled and countersunk.

Cut the hole in the plate for the Andair fuel selector pass through.
Vans has already put some holes in the plate which are totally useless for me. So the'l be there and serve no goal. Fortunatly, they are covers by the Andair plate.
Making the whole was actually a bit of a hassle. It's a 1inch hole and I don't have any cutting tool that cuts one inch. And it's to small for a fly cutter. So I ended up making and undersized hole and enlarging it with the die grinder and a worn out small 1" deburr roll.

In the end it worked out good, Here is a temporary install to get the idea.

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