14/10/2021 - Canopy latch work - 3h

 I started working on the canopy latch mechanism. This is the handle that will allow you to open, close and lock the canopy.
First thing to do is cut back the tube where the handle assembly will be inserted. It's hard to measure exactly so I stayed conservative on the first cuts and will file my way up if the cut is still insufficient.

This is how the latch looks like. A funky piece of aluminum that pivots on a AN23-10 screw. The aluminum serves as locking mechism and has to be cut to fit perfectly around the latch pin on the rollbar.
Crucial are height (cut back of the frame), angle (aluminum needs to be very slightly bent to match the orientation of the latch pin and depth (how deep does the aluminum lock bite into the latch pin.
You need to file away little by little making sure the slider is thightly closed but without distorting the plexi or the frame. As no 2 canopies are the same, this is a matter of trial and error.

the plans call for drilling 2 1/16" holes that will be connection points for a spring. The spring pulls the hook back when unfastening.
Below is the opened position.

 Next picture is the closed position.

Initial trial fits. My hook is still at the same height as the latch pin lower (thick) border. I will need to cut the frame tube a little more to increase the height of the hook.

After cutting, the fit looks already better but not quite there yet. The hook still needs a gentle bend down to have a better grab on the latch pin.

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