19/09/2020 - Slider rail and checking initial canopy fit - 2h

Rivetted C-763 and C-762 together to form the canopy slider rail. The holes are dimpled on the top side and the square bar if countersunk on both sides for double flush rivetting.

 The image below shows the double flush rivets that connect both pieces.

With the canopy rail temporarily taped in place with duct tape, I installed the canopy frame on the tracks.
A first initial fit shows the legs of the front are too high. The relation of the frame to roll bar will have to be 3/8 over the top of the rollbar.
However, do not try to precisely cut these now. This can be done later and you risk cutting too far. Leave this for now and concentrate on getting the shape of the frame bend correctly.

An overview of the mating of the canopy frame on the canopy decks.

And a view from the front. The relation of the rear frame bow to the top fuselage skin is what you want to define. Easier said than done. There are quite a bit of points to check and measure but will describe that in the following posts.

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