26/12/2022 - Refit right wheel tyre - 4h30

When mounting the tyres the first time, I noticed that the guy who helped me from a Belgian car tyre company had squeezed the innertyre between the two halves of the wheel.

I had to re-order a new tyre and wait for it to arrive.

I reinserted the inner tube in the outer tyre using talk powder to allow it to rotate so that I could align the red marking with the inlet valve.

Then inserted the first halve after wetting the rim of the tyre with soapy water.

Then slowly inserted the other halve making sure there was no squeezing. This worked well by putting a small amount of air in the inner tube.

Before putting the nuts on, I checked with clamps pushing the outer tyre down that the inner tube was not squeezed in any way.

Finally put the nuts on and torqued the nuts.

wheels are finished

As I had some time left and in preparation of the installation of the landing gear, I checked the engine mount.

I noticed there was a small gap between the lower inner connection points. This is also mentioned in the manual that you can make spacers here. Rest of the day was dedicated to making these spacers from stock material.

Using the unibit, drilled to holes and then cut the pieces apart.

test fitting of the spacers.

They are not perfectly round but I'm sure the firewall won't notice once they are in place.


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