In previous session I had some time left to make a small aluminum adapter for the suntail light.
I taped this new adapter to the rear of the rudder bottom and made some markings for cutting out some epoxy. This hole will allow the Aeroled suntail cable to protrude inside the rudder fairing.
I cut the hole, drilled two #30 holes and rivetted the adapter on the rudder fairing.
Additionaly, I marked the position on the vertical stabilisor rear spar where the multiconductor wire for the light will pass through.
Drilled the hole and deburred. The wire will pass though here and I will put some RTV around it to keep it in place.
I installed the wiring on the cockpit side on my busbar for nav lights and tested the electrical connection. The light works perfectly both in steady NAV light modus as in strobe mode as in NAV + strobe mode. This was very satisfying.
to celebrate the success, I opened a 10 year old Orval beer. For the connaisseurs of Belgium beers, you will know that Orval beer is hard to get and a 10 year old one is a treat.
This one has been in the cellar for a very long time and preserved for special occasions. Having the lights come on in the tail light gives me a lot of confidence that the remaining light work will also a walk in the parc from here.