28/10/2023 - Pitot & AOA line, Dynon net hub - 6h30

The Dynon system communicates through the Dynon network. There are dedicated network cables identified as SV-NET cables which the Dynon system uses to communicate between the different components and devicdes. The cables exist in different lengths and the short ones have the connectors pre-installed in both ends. For the longer wire runs, only one connector is pre-installed and the other one left off to facilitate routing through the different conduits, grommets and bushings.   You can install multiple SV-NET-HUBs which serve as connection and routing points for the different SV-NET connections.

I installed one SV-NET-HUB on the cockpit side to connect the control modules, HDX and EMS.

Today I installed a second one on the F-728A bellcrank channel which will serve as connection point for the ADAHRS SV-NET cable and the SV-NET-SERVO that feeds the autopilot servo's.

The back side is close to the bellcrank channel but interferes in no way.

Next I routed the 3 nylon wires that lead into the ADAHRS module for AOA, Pitot and Static air input

I ran the long SV-NET cable from the hub behind the panel, through the center conduit, F704 and conduit underneath the passenger seat towards the new SV-NET-HUB on the bellcrank channel.

Mission accomplished, cable installed with some service loop.

I had some time left and started playing with adjusting the elevator trim pushrod. The trim is at 0° in the neutral position aligned with the elevator skin.
In the Flight inspection and test part of the manual on page 15-2 you can find the maximum  deflection of the trim tab.

Maximum up is 25° and maximum down is 35°


In my first attempts, I exceeded these values. Too much up trim and way too little down trim soo far. This will require more tweaking in the near future.

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