Today I started dimpling and countersinking.

First of all I tested my bench grinder with the scotchbrite wheel to deburr the borders of the aluminum angle. this went really well. I was a bit scared of this aggressive wheel but with a little 'feeling, things go well.

By starting today's job, I realised I already made a stupid mistake yesterday. I drilled the AD3's also witr a #30 drill. Which means... the hole is too large. In a regular project you would use the larger size rivet in this case but it is and remains ... stupid.

So what I did is drill the #40 holes between the others on the overlap. As this is a training project, I wanted to do the AD3 rivets as well so the result will be that I will finally do some additional AD4's. It's a good practice in the end.

As I was a little unhappy of this, I made a second mistake, you can see it in the next picture. The #40 drill wondered off of its initial position and left a dented scratch.

The next picture I dimpled with 1/8 dimple dies the top skins and the top and bottom skin on the overlap. For the rest, the dimpling went really good. I practiced with the manual squeezer and with the C-Frame.
The dimples really fit nicely together when dimpled on both sides.

In the picture you see the 3/32 dimples and the larger 1/8 dimples.

On the top side, there is a aluminum angle with a thickness of about .06 which is too thick to dimple. In this case, I had to use the countersink cage bit 100° - 1/8.

Here is a closeup of the countersunk holes

The final picture of the day shows the assembly after dimpling and countersinking, ready to be  rivetted.

Lessons learned: 

- Read the f*cking plans !... not once, not twice, at least 5 times to make sure you saw all the little arrows, numbers, dimensions and size.

- Always center punch when drilling a new -non prepunched- hole to avoid the walking away of the drill. 


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It’s possible (not likely) that I’m not as smart as I think I am. (Occasionally, I have moments when I know this to be true. Fortunately, the feeling passes quickly.) Although I have tried to make this information as accurate as I can, it is not only possible, but also quite likely, that erroneous and misguided information lurks within these pages. I cannot and do not warrant these pages to be error free and correct. Furthermore, I accept no liability for the use of this (mis)information. And, as many would say, your mileage may vary. If, after reading this, you are intent on proceeding, please be aware that the contents of this site are protected by copyright (copyright © 2011 and 2012). Nonetheless, you may copy this material subject to these two conditions: (1) any information used is for non-commercial purposes, and (2) the source of the material is properly credited. Of course, you may link to any page herein. At some articles, snippets of the plans from Vans are visible. These are for educational and illustrations purposes only and should never be used as plans for part construction or assembly as plans may have changed since the picture was taken and more important they are protected by Copyright by the Vans Aircraft Mothership company.