21/05/2020 - wing root fairing top side drilling - 5h

One of the things that you should do now while the wings are attached to the fuselage is the installation of the wing root fairings.
This is a piece of aluminum skin skirt that covers the opening between the inboard side of the wing and the fuselage side skin. All this to make a nice joint that finally gets filled with some rubber baind.

To ensure edge distance, draw the minimal edge distance line on the tank skin. This helps locating the position of the fairing by looking through the predrilled pilot holes in the fairing skirt.

In the picture below, you can see the red line through the holes.

I drilled the hole that is common with the tank skin to #30 so that I could put a copper cleco in the nutplate of the tank skin attach.

Drill the other holes #40 to start with. You will notice that getting closer to the common hole with the tank skin intersection, it gets impossible to follow the minimal edge distance line.
Not much you can do about this as the fairing is pre drilled.

A view of the bottom side of the fairing. Form the leading edge of the fairing. Do the same trick of drilling #30 the tank attach hole. There quite a lot of pressure on the skin at first. As you form the leading edge better, the tension gets less.

Check for a nice connection between tank skin and fairing. Then enlarge the #40 holes to #30, then #22 and finally ream to #19.

The distance between the fairing has a defined gap between 3/16 and 1/4 inch. This will allow sliding a rubber seal band over the side of the fairing skirt.
In the image below, you can see that I made black markings in various locations from the fuselage skin to 3/16 inch.

Connect the dots and file away the excess material. The image below is how it looks like when done. Re-measure the gap at various places.

I looked for the rubber seal and put it in place over the first couple of inches. Looks really nice. When installing this permanently, you use some soapy water to easily slide the rubber over the aluminum skin.

Next I noticed the flap skin was really close and butting against the fuselage skin. I will do some research work on what this distance should be and will take care of that in the next session.


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