22/04/2023 - Install transponder box and VPX - 4h

Time to find a spot for the transponder. I had made these baggage compartment cut outs and decided to use the passenger side one to position the transponder body. This is aft of the CG and adds some weight aft but I prefer to keep the RG400 cable very short. If at weight and balance, some CG problems arise, I can still move it behind the instrument panel if needed. I kept a free space next to the COM radio box just in case.

Installing the TRIG transponder can't be any easier.

A mounting tray that comes with the radio is installed on the baggage rib and screwed in place with some SS screws. I positioned it so that the spring in the back can still be easily opened and closed. The spring is what holds the transponder in place.

Some screws installed.

All done, transponder in place. The TNC connector is in the back. A d-sub connector will connect to the remote panel head.

screws are temporarily on with lots of washers.

Next I found the ideal location of the VPX. I had purchased a VPX mounting tray years ago and I'm very happy I did so because looking now on the website, it looks like they don't make them anymore.

The tray holds the VPX and 2 large machines screws hold it in place at the top.

There is a bit of an offset of the place from the sub panel. There's like a 5mm clearence created by the little feet on the mounting tray. These allow the use of round head screws and lucky me... it created enough spacing to have the plate standover my beefy angle from the throttle quadrant (black angle in the image).

This position seems very good to me. The main input power comes from the passenger side hole through the firewall and will connect nicely to the main power input on the top right. The other connetors have good clearance under the ribs. The bottom of the VPX is almost flush with the sub panel which is a bit higher than the instrument panel.

 Another view of the VPX in place. By the way... I love that red color of the VPX box. I should remind myself of trying that when I make some painting scheme's later on. I must look fabulous on the outside of an aircraft as well


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