06/02/2021 - Install top rudder fairing - 3h

Today I started doing some work on the epoxy fairings on the empenage. This is something you typically keep as one of the last jobs but as it's too cold to work on the canopy bubble, I decided to do something else.

The factory parts fit quite well but require some trimming of the flanges before they can be installed to the empenage parts.

I decided to start with the top of the rudder. On the plans, you will find measurements of 1/2" for the lip that inserts between the aluminum skins. That measurement works quite well on the top of the rudder but you will notice that it's not a good measurement for the side of the elevators. There the holes that were predrilled seem to be too much on the inside which lead to very little edge distance on the epoxy if you would follow the measurements on the plans. (ask me how I found out...)

After some trimming, the trial fit looked quite good. The edge of the fairing nicely aligns with the edge of the aluminum.
I decided to go with pop rivets to attach them. Some people use countersunk screws and nutplates to be able to remove them. I can think of a lot of reasons why I would need to remove the top of the rudder fairing once the counterbalance lead is at it's final weight.

Looking quite good.

Started drilling the holes, first #40

The last holes already were enlarged and dimpled for #30 so I drilled these #30 right away.

Cool look. I may sand the end edge down a little more to get a nice thin edge that aligns with the rear edge of the rudder.

Updrilled all holes to #30

Close up look of the rear edge

I decided to make reinforcement strips on the inside of the epoxy. It's will be stronger this way and give the pop rivet some more firm material to grasp into.

There is a lot of stock alu strips left so I think I will have enough to cover the entire empenare. Made half inch strips, deburred and matchdrilled holes using the fairing holes as template.

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It’s possible (not likely) that I’m not as smart as I think I am. (Occasionally, I have moments when I know this to be true. Fortunately, the feeling passes quickly.) Although I have tried to make this information as accurate as I can, it is not only possible, but also quite likely, that erroneous and misguided information lurks within these pages. I cannot and do not warrant these pages to be error free and correct. Furthermore, I accept no liability for the use of this (mis)information. And, as many would say, your mileage may vary. If, after reading this, you are intent on proceeding, please be aware that the contents of this site are protected by copyright (copyright © 2011 and 2012). Nonetheless, you may copy this material subject to these two conditions: (1) any information used is for non-commercial purposes, and (2) the source of the material is properly credited. Of course, you may link to any page herein. At some articles, snippets of the plans from Vans are visible. These are for educational and illustrations purposes only and should never be used as plans for part construction or assembly as plans may have changed since the picture was taken and more important they are protected by Copyright by the Vans Aircraft Mothership company.