Arrival - 26/08/2011 - 7h

The wing kit and fuselage kit have arrived !

Today was like Christmas, received some presents from Santa. Only this Santa was wearing a high vis vest and large gloves to carry those heavy boxes out of the truck.

 In total, there was 319kg delivered in three boxes. The heaviest on (containing the fuselage kit) is 140kg.

All boxes were in very good shape and hardly showed any form of bumps. The longest box containing the main spars and fuselage looked like it was packed in the factory just yesterday.

We opened the boxes and the picture below is how it looks like. The packing is really nice and stored in an efficient yet safe way. There are PILES of wrapping paper. Ask my neighbour Jacques how much fun it is to wrap them up again for disposal :)

The bottom crate is the fuselage kit, the back one is the main components for the wings and the long ones contain the long pieces like the adnodised wing spars and longerons.


Then the real work starts: making the inventory and unpacking all. Fortunately my buddy builder Fred came over to help me tick off items from the packing lists. The picture below show how you can do that in an efficient way :)

I have to admit that the amount of pieces you unwrap is a bit depressing on the moral, knowing you will be edge prepping every single one of them. On the other hand, can't wait to start building the wings now !!! go go go...

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