aileron pushrods - 18/12/2012 - 5h

Before drilling the right flap to the wing - which needs two pair of hands - I decided to start working on the aileron pushrods.

They were primed from the inside during my last priming session so now it's time to install the ends of the rods that receive the M3614M threaded rod end bearings.

To make drilling the aluminum tube easier, I measured the circumference of the tube and devided it by 6 to find the optimal interval for the pop rivets.
I drew those lines on some painters tape and also measured the mid distance for the VA-111 threaded rod ends.

Then align the tap with the end of the tube.

I used this V-shape drill guide which is reallly a must for this kind of work. Drilled first with #45, gradually going up #40, #30

Measured the center of the VA-111 flange so I could visually inspect the center of the line in the pre-drilled holes.

insert the rod end and check alignment.

Now up-drill to final size for the MSP-42 pop rivets. Using some cleco's helps keeping things in place.
Some boelube always does miracles when drilling. I like the liquid one.

Here is the result

And the result after doing all 4 ends. As your can see, Nice holes, perfectly placed. 

Now follows the final installation in the pipe. I prepared some extra zinc chromate primer and put some extra primer in and on the rod end when inserting them.

Also set the pop rivets 'wet'  (which means dipping them in primer before setting them).

Rod end inserted. Mu pen marks had gone away while cleaning the parts with sillicon entferner so had a though time finding the right alignment again.

I don't have the final picture of the rod end rivetted but it's basically very simple and just using the pop rivetter to set the MSP-42 rivets.

Next drilled  the smaller steel pushrods.

Bascially the same procedure as above. I forgot to mention that it's important that you make a punch mark where you will start drilling on these circular forms.
Certainly with this steel pipe, the drill will wander around without a punch mark to locate your location.

First pushrod and belcrancks drilled to size. 

more to follow later.

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