Installation of pilot side landing light continues. I finalised that cutout and sanded it smooth.
The next step is to protect the landing light with masking tape and then slide it into place using the two set screws on the inner corner.
Be carefull doring this, The ears on the landing light are in plastic and not very strong.
The next procedure is to sand away more material from the contour until the landing light can freely move and kind of floats in the gap just supported by the two inner ears and a single connection point in the wing tip outer corner.
The size required around the perimeter is close to the thickness of a card or business card. I used small carton cards to slide between the lamp and epoxy to check for clearance. It 's a process that requires patience.
First cut out complete, next wing tip ready for the same work.
Applied the template other side and traced the perimeter with a sharpie. Surprisingly, using the same template, the upper edge clearence on the passenger side is more liberal. That means there must be some small differences in the molds of the wingtips.
Same procedure of installation on the passenger side. My cutout on the inner side is a bit liberal but I will live with it. If I have a lot of patience and time left, I may fill it up with some epoxy later but I doubt it is worth is.
This is the inside look with the screws installed. The light floats inside the gap and is support by the two screws. and a single tab on the outside. The screws allow the lamp to be tilted slightly up or down.
Left wing also close to done.