It feels like ages ago since I did some rivetting so I'm really excited to do some final assembly work again.
Before starting the final assembly, there is a long laundry list of small tasks that need to be done prior to mounting the tail cone, centerfuselage and forward fuselage parts together to make up the "canoe".
The reason for this preparation work is quite simple.
Most of these items are difficult to reach or deal with once everything is in it's final position. Some of the rivetting tasks are simply impossible to do later when the side skins are on. Like eg the angle clips or installing the firewall gussets once the F770 side skin is on.
The rivetting of the forward section takes so many steps that I created a small Excel xls checklist to make things clearer and to keep focused on the next task to do while working instead of having to reference back to the manual all the time.
I want to maximize my time working and minimize the time thinking about sequence of events while in the workshop. You can download my checklist here.
The instructions in the manual are also very limited at this point so you need to think carefully on how to tackle the rivetting job.
First I installed nutplates on the F-722-L and R aft fuse bulkheads. All nutplates used are of the same type K1000-08 for 8R8 screws. Used the pneumatic squeezer to dimple the legs of the nutplate and then squeezed them on.
After all the prepping I forgot how much fun this was :)
The primer adds some gauge to my parts so as in previous rivetting sessions, I used -4 size instead of the -3.5 as called for in the plans.
Then squeezed nutplated on the F-724-L and R aft fuselage bulkheads.
The squeezer makes perfect shop heads on these rivets.
Next I installed the nutplates on the F-749 L and R baggage covers. Carefull here ! Do not put nutplates on the F-750 side covers yet as these will be rivetted in assembly with the F724 bulkhead.
I also installed the nutplates on the outerseat ribs but no pictures on that.
Next step, rivetted the F-719B angle clip to the F-719 forward skin stiffener. These take AN470 and I installed the manufactured side to the top. Purely esthetic.
Here they are, both rivetted on.
shop heads.
Next, I attached the F-7101-L to the F-902-L. Had to search a bit to find the fastener types on the plans but found it on Section G-G of DWG 23. These take AN470AD4-5 rivets.
On the R side I have this doubler plate so will need to probably take the 6s for those.
I could squeeze these with my longeron G-style yoke. The longeron just barely clear the flange as you squeeze.
I'm running out of time so will continue with the right side in a next session.
Well actually I started already but messed up a bit on 2 rivets so I'll have to drill them back out again and resqueeze them. no big deal.