Started doing some small rivetting work on the parts of the forward top fuselage.
First I rivetted the small suppor angles I invented to the vent plates. Few articles back I described I did this because I want the headset jacks to sit below the air vents.
In the image below, you see the angle clearly and the #19 hole for a AN515-8R8 screw in a K1000-8 nutplate attached to the bottom of the instrument panel bottom tab.
Next, I revetted the nutplates and the AN470 rivets that attach the support angles to the forward canopy decks.
It's best to first rivet the angles to the canopy decks and then do the nutplates.
some can be squeezed with the pneumatic squeezer, one of them on the inside had to be shot.
all good comes in 2 so also did the other side.
that's it for now.