The final section for construction before we start putting empenange wings together with the fuselage is the forward top fuselage section.
Today was a full day of deburring and some small other tasks and positioning items in place to get a clear picture on how everything fits together.
I started by fluting F-7103C L and R. These have to follow the curve on the F-7103 instrument panel. The flutes have to be positioned carefully as both angles will also receive 3 AN515-8R8 screws.
After many hours of vixen, v-tool, scotchbrite and straighten flanges, it came out looking like this.
I also test fitted the skin on. It's thight but it fits correctly. Maybe I'll try to pre-brend the sides a bit next time I'll put her on.
This is also a great moment to test fit your angle pieces behind the F-7103.