Like Sterling suggested in his response on my pitot routing question, I used a big dab of rtv to attach the stall warner electrics line to the pitot line. I did this in two locations as the wire crosses the tube in two locations.
This secures the wirte against the pitot line and no chafing can occur now.
The inner skin is as far as I could bring it. Now it's time to bring the outer wing skin on.
First I had to rivet the inner aileron bracket back on using the additional brackets from the service bulleting on the inside of the rear spar.
I spotted a problem here. The brackets interfere with rivetting of the top skins. No way you can get a bucking bar in there.
The aileron bracket is also not possible to rivet on later without. I prefer to inspec these rivets up real close so decided to first rivet these.
Here you get a better view of the inside of the bracket.
I asked a question to Vans if cherry max rivets would be allowed here.
This is the response from Vans Support:
"Yes, you could use Cherry Max rivets. There are some blind rivets available that can be utilized that are designed for #40 holes and dimples without having to enlarge the holes or change the dimple/countersink size.. CCR-246SS-3-x (x=length, 3 indicates 3/32 rivet replacement). You would have to determine what grip length you need (x). Most like a CCR246SS-3-2 would work."
I googled the rivet number but couldn't find anything. I did find something under CCR264SS-3 which sound like what he described so I'm pretty sure they inversed the number.
Outer skin on the left wing, rivetting time again.